This app will show nearest hospitals around you as well as hospitals information with contact details. You could see their list of services available and doctors list with their detailed resume.
Along with that you will get contact details (such as address, phone number etc) of hospital in Bangladesh to make immediate contact with hospital for booking seat for patient or other help in your nearest area or any other area in Bangladesh.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">这个程序会告诉你身边最近的医院,以及与联系方式,医院的信息。你可以看到他们的简历他们提供的服务和医生的名单列表。
伴随着你会得到详细联系方式(如地址,电话号码等),医院,孟加拉国,使医院与病人或其他帮助,直接接触的预订座位离您最近的地区,或在孟加拉国其他地区。</div> <div class="show-more-end">